Zhongling Police Post

Attractions along Hapen Historic Trail

The Zhongling Police Post, located in Datong Township of Yilan County, was established in 1935 and abolished after the war. The ruins of the police post can be reached by a 3-hour walk starting from the Hapen Camp, then crossing the saddle between Mout Zhongling and Mount Hongchai. Alternatively, start from the end of the Lunpi industrial road and it will take around 50 minutes on foot to reach the site.

Today, there are still some concrete foundations and buildings on the ruins of the Zhongling police post, but they have been covered by tree roots and weeds.


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Concrete foundation on the ruins of Zhongling Police Station
Concrete foundation on the ruins of Zhongling Police Station
Concrete foundation on the ruins of Zhongling Police Station