

Shitzulu Station was opened in October of the first year of Taisho (1912). It is a stop of the Alishan Forest Railway, with an altitude of about 1,530 meters.  Before the Alishan highway was opened, Shitzulu was the traffic hub in the village, and also the most interacted village and closest to indigenous villages. Since it is located in the midpoint between the Alishan Forest Railway and the Tefuye hamlet of the Cou tribe, the station connects Laiji and Tefuye hamlets. Therefore, the nearby hamlets like Tsatsaya, Shanmei, Lalauya, Laiji, Tefuye had earlier contact with the outside world than other tribes due to their location.

Today, most of the residents of Shitzulu village are descendants of loggers from the Japanese occupation period or employees of the Alishan Forest Railway. In the past, the area was quite developed because there is a train station as well as simple power supply equipment, a post office, and other facilities. However, after the opening of the Alishan Highway, the function of the railway station died away.

Shitzulu (Laiji Trail)

Shitzulu (Laiji Trail) is located between Shizi village and Dabang village in Alishan Township, Chiayi County.  It is about 1,530 meters above sea level and was used to be a passage between Tfuya village and Laiji village of the Tsou. The name Shitzulu means crossroad because during the Japanese occupation, this area was marked as a crossroad on the mountain line. At that time, when the Alishan Forest Railway was built by the Governor-General in Taiwan, it was also the residence of the railway workers. After the completion of the railway, the Shitzulu Station was built. Later, due to the development of the camphor industry, they settled in camphor workers and formed a Han settlement.

Today, the Shitzulu Station settlement is only about 50 meters away from the Alishan Highway, which is the closest place between the railway and the highway.