Wusheng Police Post

Attractions along Syakaro Historic Trail

The Wusheng Police Post is located on the northwestern edge of Mount Bunugari, about 1,430 meters above sea level. It was established in 1922, when the Syakaro Trail was completed during the Japanese occupation. It was the peak of the police force, however, after a lapse of 5 years, the police post was withdrawn when the police force was deployed. In the past, the Wusheng Police Post faced the Jianfan Police Post on the opposite bank of Skayacin Creek.

To this day, the police post still maintains a complete slope and stone ridge, and the Forestry Bureau set up an information board introducing Wusheng Police Post, its story and the spatial configuration at that time.

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Intersection that leads to Wusheng Police Box
Intersection that leads to Wusheng Police Box
Intersection that leads to Wusheng Police Box
The current status of the Wusheng Police Box Site – Bamboo structure of a temporary work shed.
The current status of the Wusheng Police Box Site – Bamboo structure of a temporary work shed.
The current status of the Wusheng Police Box Site – Bamboo structure of a temporary work shed.