Nureng River

Attractions along Hengchun Beinan Historic Trail

Nureng River that flows through to the Xuhai end of the Hengchun Beinan Historic Trail is located in Mudan Township in Pingtung County. As rainfall happens in summer, the river turns into a low current in winter and becomes a barren stream. The Hengchun Beinan Historic Trail, which crosses Hengchun Township in Pingtung County and Taitung City in Taitung County, runs northward along the coast from Hengchun through Manzhou, joining other trails in Pingtung, and then arriving at Taitung City.  In the middle of the Japanese occupation period, the Hengchun Beinan Historic Trail had long been widened as a designated road for cars. Therefore, the remainder of the trail that we see today are mostly roads for cars during the Japanese occupation. Currently the impassable section of the road is in the Guanyinbi area.

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Nunai River
Nunai River
Nunai River