Kanmuzu Hamlet

Attractions along Guanmen Historic Trail

Kanmuzu Hamlet is located on the east side of the ridge saddle at the confluence of the east Danda River and Kanmuzu River in Xinyi Township, Nantou County. It is about 1,600 meters above sea level, and was a hamlet formed from the migration from the Danda hamlet.

There is Kanmuzu Hot Spring next to the hamlet. During the Japanese occupation, the Government-General in Taiwan used to have a police post here.

Nowadays, if you want to go to Kanmuzu Hamlet, you can enter from the afforestation road near the Seventh checkpoint on Danda Forest Road and walk down the fire prevention alleyway along the ridge line. However, the ridge line is quite long, and the path is not clear. The slate houses in the hamlet are distributed on the ridge line.

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Slate house inside Kanmuzu Hamlet ruins
Slate house inside Kanmuzu Hamlet ruins
Slate house inside Kanmuzu Hamlet ruins