Danlu Hamlet

Attractions along Fenggang Beinan Historic Trail

Danlu Hamlet is located on the steep slope on the left bank of Fenggang River, on the north-western mountainside of Nurenshan in Shizi Township, Pingtung County. The hamlet was formed by the migration of indigenous peoples  in 1924, who originally lived in Mudanlushe and Jiaxinlushe. During the Japanese occupation period, the Governor-General in Taiwan set up  the Mudanlu Police Post next to the present Danlu Elementary School in Upper Danlu Hamlet. In 1943 the tribesmen of the Bashimoshe moved to Lower Danlu Hamlet and became a part of the Mudanlushe. In the post-war period, the National Government referred to Mudan Road as Dan Road in short, and the police post was also moved to the Nanhui Highway, between the upper and lower hamlets.


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Street view of Danlu Hamlet
Street view of Danlu Hamlet
Street view of Danlu Hamlet
Street view of Danlu Hamlet
Street view of Danlu Hamlet
Street view of Danlu Hamlet
Street View of Danlu Hamlet
Street View of Danlu Hamlet
Street View of Danlu Hamlet
Health clinic in upper Danlu Hamlet.
Health clinic in upper Danlu Hamlet.
Health clinic in upper Danlu Hamlet.