The Tarakkas Police Post (Suyuan Police Station) is located on the northern branch of the western edge of Yanglaoshan (Mount Yoro), about 1,415 meters above sea level and has a foundation of more than 400 square meters. It was established in 1920, at which time, the Syakaro Trail had not been opened. Originally, there was a hamlet named Trakis, which means millet. During the Japanese occupation, the Governor-General in Taiwan used the name and pronounced it タラッカス (Tarakkas).
In the early post-war period, the National Government took over and renamed it Suyuan Police Station, which was abandoned in 1959. Today, Tarakkas Police Post is in the plantation area of makino bamboos. The plantation has caused great damage to the foundation, but there are still traces of rammed earthen house foundations, houses and walls.