Military Camp


Dashuiku has been a traffic hub since the Qing Dynasty. The Batongguan Historic Trail from the Qing period was completed in the first year of Guangxu (1875). Since then, a camp was set up on the east side of the Dashuiku pond, and today there are remaining ceramic fragments on site that after being studied by archaeologists, they are products of Fujian Dehua kilns during the Xianfeng and Tongzhi reigns of the Qing Dynasty. The Batongguan Traversing Trail was completed in the 10th year of Taisho (1921). The Japanese set up the prefectural boundary on the roadside on the southwest side of the Dashuiku pond, at an altitude of about 3240 meters, and built a pavilion above it for travelers to rest.
In the 1970s, the Forestry Bureau built a tin and iron mountaineering hut in the south of the pond, but it was destroyed by strong winds and snow. Yushan National Park Management Office built a mountain house with solar power supply, rainwater collection tank and simple toilet on the original site, which can accommodate 24 people.

Batongguan Plains

Batongguan plain was a place where the historic trail of Japan and of Qing Dynasty intersects. The Bunun people call this place BaBahrasno, which means "river" because on the south side of the Batongguan plain, there was a small tributary of the Yanong River passing through it. When the "Central Road" was built in the Qing Dynasty, Pantonukua, which is the Cou language for referring Yushan, was used to call this place, and the transliteration was Batongguan. The Japanese continue to use it to this day.

During the Japanese Occupation period, the Batongguan police post was not located on the same foundation as the Batongguan Campsite in the Qing Dynasty period, but about 120 meters north of the Qing campsite.
Due to the dangerous terrain and that Batongguan has a good outlook,  there were police officers stationed there with trenches, observation decks, and shooting ranges during the Japanese occupation period. There was a wrestling field in front of the station. Every autumn a wrestling competition is held between the police posts, and there are two rows of rammed earth walls about 1.2 meters high.

Former Site of the Prefectural Boundary

The former site of the Prefectural Boundary is located on the Batongguan Traversing Historic Trail of the Japanese Occupation period. It is mainly located on the southwestern side of the Dashuiku Pond at an altitude of about 3,240 meters.  It is a stone foundation with four 4.3 meters wide steps.  The stairs were the dividing line between Taichu State (now Taichung City) and Karenkou Prefecture (now Hualien County) during the Japanese occupation. In the past, the Governor-General in Taiwan once built a pavilion on the foundation to provide a resting place for travelers, and erected a wooden boundary marker in front of it. After the war, the Forestry Bureau built an iron hut in the 1970s that was later destroyed by strong winds and snow.

Today, the Yushan National Park Management Office rebuilt a hut with solar power and a rainwater tank on the original site.



Dashuiku Pond

Dashuiku Pond is a high mountain pond that does not dry up all year round. It is located on the eastern section of the Batongguan Traversing Historic Trail, which was built in the Qing Dynasty period. The water source depends on rainfall and snowmelt. The Bunun people refer to the pond as Oniyap, which means pool. Since the Qing period, this area has always been a traffic hub. Dashuiku Pond was an important drinking water source on the main edge of the Central Mountain Range that provided daily water for the Dashuiku Camp. The water source, as recorded in the "Taiwan Map '' compiled at the end of the Qing Dynasty period or "Taiwan General History'', referred to Dashuiku pond.

Today, a large number of ceramic fragments from the Dehua kiln in Fujian from the Qing period can still be found behind the house in Dashuiku.


Former Site of Batongguan Camp from the Qing period

The Batongguan campsite built during the Qing period and the Batongguan Police Post set up during the Japanese occupation are not on the same foundation. The two are 120 meters apart, and the altitude is about 2,745 meters. The origin of the place name “Batongguan” is the transliteration of Pantonukua, which Tsou people refer Yushan (Mount Jade) to. At present, there are still two bases surrounded by rammed earthen walls at the Batongguan campsite from the Qing period.




Ruins of Sidi Camp Site

After the Jinshuiying trail was opened in 1885, Xidi Camp was set up, making a resting stop for officials and business travelers who passed this trail during the Qing period. During the Japanese Occupation, the Governor-General in Taiwan set up the Guzilun Police Post here in 1916, and then a few years later moved it above the ridge. In the late 1960s, the National Government set up an afforestation nursery in Xidi Camp.