Stone carving in front of Lidaku’s house

Attractions along Wutai Haocha Historic Trail

After being moved away from old Haocha, Lidaku was the first old man to have returned to rebuild his hometown. He was a living dictionary that witnessed the rise and fall of the Haocha village in the past century and is a typical representative of the Rukai tradition and modern society.

Lidakuu was born in old Haocha in 1902. His father and grandfather were both outstanding sculptors of the tribe. He had been educated since childhood, and with his natural artistic talent, he was able to take his father’s place at the age of fifteen after his father passed away. Like most traditional Rukai carvers, Lidaku did not learn as an apprentice. His woodcarving skills stemmed from actual life experience and self-exploration. In addition to the large-scale wood carvings commissioned by the nobles, the themes of his creation related to the life and religion of the Rukai people.

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This image is a stone carving erected in front of the house of Lidaku Mabaliu (1902-1990), the most famous sculptor and blacksmith of the Haocha tribe in modern times. The carving is of smiling person or a self-image reflection of the carver.
This image is a stone carving erected in front of the house of Lidaku Mabaliu (1902-1990), the most famous sculptor and blacksmith of the Haocha tribe in modern times. The carving is of smiling person or a self-image reflection of the carver.
This image is a stone carving erected in front of the house of Lidaku Mabaliu (1902-1990), the most famous sculptor and blacksmith of the Haocha tribe in modern times. The carving is of smiling person or a self-image reflection of the carver.