Heren Hamlet

Attractions along Suhua Historic Trail

The image shows Heren hamlet in the distance, a view from the Suhua Highway. The hamlet belongs to the Truku tribe and  is located on the  left bank terrace of the Liangli River estuary. It sits 45 meters above sea level, faces the Pacific Ocean in the east, mountains in the west, Liangli River and Chongde village in the south, and is 4 kilometers adjacent to the Hezhong community in the north. The original hamlet, Btakan-she, was established on the mountainside opposite the current location and was only moved to the current location after the Japanese occupation. Truku people named the hamlet “Qnragan", which later on becomes "Qnagan". It means bare trees because when the tribesmen first arrived here, it was  so windy that trees were blown down, and leaves were falling that making them bare. During the Japanese rule, some tribes such as Skadang, Squrxan, Bmux, Quwis, Lapax moved into the hamlet. At the end of the Japanese rule, the people relocated to what is today’s Zhihezhong community. After the war, they moved back but west of the current location and named it Heren.  In 1948 the hamlet got washed away by a typhoon and so the people moved to the present site.

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The image shows Heren hamlet in the distance, a view from the Suhua Highway.
The image shows Heren hamlet in the distance, a view from the Suhua Highway.
The image shows Heren hamlet in the distance, a view from the Suhua Highway.