Dongguang Elementary School

Attractions along Shui Sha Lian Historic Trail

Dongguang Elementary School was founded in April of the 11th year of Taisho (1922), and it was named Yuchi Public School. It was a branch of another school and only has one school grade. In April 1941, it became an independent Dongguang Elementary School. In September 1959, the school implemented class separation. In 1968, the nine-year state education was implemented, and its name was changed to Dongguang National Elementary School. Due to changes in the social structure, large population exodus, and the impact of birth control policies, the number of students gradually decreased. During the 921-earthquake, Dongguang Elementary School was severely damaged. With the assistance of the Tzu Chi Cultural and Educational Foundation, it adopted the reconstruction project. The inauguration ceremony of the new school building was completed on November 24, 2001.

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Dongguang Elementary School and school grounds.
Dongguang Elementary School and school grounds.
Dongguang Elementary School and school grounds.