
Attractions along Jiaobanshan Sanxing Historic Trail

Qehuy is located in Gaoyi village, Fuxing District, Taoyuan City. It is located on the southern slope of Yanshan Ridge in the east of KuihuiMountain, with a height of more than 1,000 meters. Overlooking to the south is Ronhua Creek Valley, and is 3 kilometers eastward of the Northern Cross-island Highway. It is small hamlet with only a dozen households. Qehuy means animal horn in the Atayal language,  and is also called Bnay, meaning orange, and is still the name of the old hamlet. Today, most of the residents have moved north to Kuihui Lame in Fuxing District, and only a few households remain. The people called it Lele. After the completion of the Northern Cross-island Highway, some people moved to Dawan and Kayilan along the highway because Qehuy is located in the deep mountains and the traffic was inconvenient. Currently, there are ten or so households still living there.

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Aerial shot of Qehuy Hamlet
Aerial shot of Qehuy Hamlet
Aerial shot of Qehuy Hamlet